Promote Yourself to REO Servicers

Check for Available ZIP's

With 4 out of the top 5 Servicers in the U.S. using Equator, more than $280 billion worth of REO listings were placed with 56,025 real estate agents as of Dec. 2015.

Equator's Premium Placement ZIP Codes gets you noticed by these Servicers and ranks you higher in agent search results so you can compete for more REO listings. 

Featured Agent
Higher Ranking
Exclusive Placement

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Your Agent Profile will move up in Agent search results to increase your chances to get REO listing. Our data shows that Servicers are 5X more likely to assign REO to a Premium Placement Agents.*  

Your profile will appear as a "Featured Listing Agent" when Servicers are searching for Agents. This further helps you get noticed by Services so you can compete for REO listings.  

Easily GET NOTICED by Servicers searching for Agents to assign REO Listings.

Premium Placement Gives You:

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Request a Call from a Specialist to Check and Claim Available ZIP's

Only a limited number of agents can be listed in a ZIP code to ensure that Premium Placement Agents receive the most number of REO listing assignments.  

1 in 4 REO listing assignments go to new Premium Placement Agents on average.

*Equator does not and cannot guarantee listings as a result of taking its Certification training or by purchasing Premium Placements, Visual Promotion or other optional Equator products. Asset management companies and loan servicers select their own agents and those selections are often based on factors besides Certification, Lead Areas and other Equator products including market conditions, relationships with agents and other factors. Being trained/certified on Equator and purchasing Lead Areas or other optional Equator products could help enhance the relationship(s) you have with your asset management companies and loan servicers but it is the agent’s responsibility to leverage their Equator products and other business development efforts to cultivate their relationship with any and all asset management companies and loan servicers that they desire to receive listings.

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